Marie Meldrum from Scotland participates in CycleX, Ultra running and Extreme Triathlon.

Having won numerous extreme triathlon events, Marie holds the record for having finished 5 Celtman Extreme Scottish Triathlon with 5 Blue finishes indicating her achieving in the top tier

We met Marie at Swedman Extreme Triathlon and asked her opinion on using Qilta.




Did you find Qilta Socks and Calf Sleeves helped your post-race recovery?

"I agree strongly, I put them on after the race and kept them on overnight in bed. They felt nice and cold and smelled fresh. Mentally and physically I felt a huge improvement to the way I normally feel after a race. My legs and feet felt amazing I believe this was due to wearing the socks."

What do you think is most useful?

"Qilta socks AND calf sleeves together. For running, personally I prefer just the socks. For recovery I recommend then both. I wish there were full length leg warmer versions... for after bike rides too"

Would you consider using Qilta as part of your race recovery routine?

"Strongly Agree, Yes, always"

I noticed that my Qilta socks / calf sleeves started working effectively?

"Immediately! The cold, smooth feel on my legs soothed them straight away. It felt better for recovery than a leg massage or some of the Thai recovery massages I've had after endurance races. I wish I'd know about these before now. I wore them overnight. They were really fresh and comforting."