Mark Doyle is an Irish International Ultra runner who competed and won the Raw Ultra Wicklow 100 Mile trail run on the 7-8th Dec in 19 hours
Here is marks testimonial of his use of Qilta:
"It's been 3 weeks since winning the Raw Ultra 100 Mile Race and recovery has been going well. One added ingredient to a successful recovery has been the addition of Qilta Recovery sleeves and socks.
Putting these super absorbent socks and calf sleeves on my legs directly after finishing the 100 Mile has made a huge difference. The balm on the socks has reduced the size and pain from blisters on my feet, the calf sleeves reducing the inflammation and swelling after such a long race.
With this new addition to the kit bag, I was up and walking normal so much faster than before. A huge recommendation for anyone who suffers with bad feet or tight calves from running or exercising.
Thank you so much to Don Hannon, Jim Dunne and the guys at Qilta for the help and looking forward to sharing the new products coming in 2019.