Linda Clarke from Cavan, Ireland travels the world and follows her dreams of completing the Abbot World Marathon Majors. In 2018, Linda overcame 3 of them and ran Berlin, Chicago and New York.
We asked Linda for her review of Qilta and how it helped her overcome her challenges.
“The Qilta kit, Honestly, I had read reviews etc.. about your products but really never thought or imagined how effective they were. I am not an elite marathon runner by any imagination but last year for the full 12 months I had been battling the dreaded PF so much so I thought that’s it game over...
I had 3 major marathons on my list booked paid for and was looking forward to them Berlin, Chicago, New York.These marathons were all very close September ,October and November so as 2018 was always going to be a terrific year for me it was also one of the hardest years.
The training for these marathons was just so hard running through the pain against everyone’s judgement “you need to rest it” etc. The thing was I did rest, and it never seemed to go away.
Then I discovered Qilta and where it did not cure my PF the kit eased my symptoms massively. The sleeves eased my tight calves and kept me on the road so I could get through all the marathons. After New York marathon I wore the sleeves and socks as you suggested and without a doubt it has been the quickest recovery for me. New York was going to be a tough marathon for me as I had run Berlin and Chicago only few weeks before, so legs were going to be tired and the pounding on concrete was going to hurt. But your socks cooled the foot and the pain. I actually slept in them that night and I can’t recommend enough your products and service. I had a very quick recovery after the marathon.
For all you runners I can honestly say stairs and steps were no problem the day after and I honestly believe it was due to the Qilta kit.
I am off to run Tokyo in March, my 5th Abbott World Major Marathon and I will most definitely be using your socks and sleeves.
A very happy happy runner trying to obtain the 6 star medal.
Linda “