As a 4 hour marathon runner I’d usually be averaging 160KM monthly training early in the year.
On 17th January I suffered a bad fall running and severely sprained ankle ligaments. XRAYS revealed no break and opinion was might have been better in terms of rehab had it broken. I was given an approximate window of late March before I would be able jog again. I was encouraged to push recovery within limits of what I could do. I attended local physio who concurred with hospital’s approach and added exercises to regime and set 2nd week February as start point for walking recovery. At same time Qilta products were made available to me by Jim Dunne who was interested how they would work in a rehab scenario, albeit with walking.
I waited til upto 8K Daily – physio had advised breaking walks into a few 20-25 min sets daily as opposed to one long walk. So once I was upto approx. 3 x 3 km daily, I targeted doing a 3KM set and then wear the sock and sleeve for rest of day and that evening do a 7KM in a set , with a day’s recovery where I’d use both the sock and sleeve set, then the next day repeat 3 and 7KM day.
The initial 3 KM walking was fine . The feeling as slipped into the sleeves was of tight support and pretty immediate warmth around my calves and shins. Then putting the socks on was very cooling, it really relaxed my feet. I wore them 8AM TIL 4 30PM, then walked 7KM briskly ( 9 min KMs) , put the same set back on.
The following morning I initially noticed ankle swelling down more noticeably than nightly rest and particularly the thick Achilles I’d been carrying was also reduced.
I then put on fresh Qilta sleeves and socks and wore all day through to next morning. The same warm on lower leg and cool on feet feelings occurred. The following day having worn them in bed my legs felt very loose and relaxed so I walked approx. 9KM straight off ( 8 ½ min KM pace) and after showering got into last set of Qilta sleeves and socks and again the same feelings occurred.
In summary for a marked increase in mileage in a short period ie 4 days, I found the Qilta products negated any potential tiredness, fatigue symptoms that would have arisen.
I was shortly thereafter at physio and she noticed my movement , calf softness and subtlety was much improved on 2 week previous visit, and Achilles swelling was substantially reduced. She gave me the OK to start light grass work 3 weeks ahead of hospital’s estimate.
I am currently doing, upto approx. 10KM slow jogging. Once I’m at 16KM or so I’d hope to try Qilta products again. I feel they aided my recovery substantially in a key week post injury and immediately pre a physio review on recommencing running.