Barry Middleton from Scotland has a passion for extreme triathlons many of which are part of the XTri World Tour series, set in the most inhospitable environments on earth. http://xtriworldtour.com/
Barry first used Qilta last August at Swedeman Extreme Triathlon where Qilta were a Key Sponsor https://www.swextri.com/
In December '18 Barry competed in the 1st hosting of Patagonman which is set in one of the last wildernesses in Ansen, Patagonia, Chile. http://www.patagonman.com/
This covered a swim 3.8 kilometres in 13 degrees toward Puerto Chacabuco, a ride of 180 kilometres into the windy, winding and hilly road of the famous Carretera Austral to Cerro Castillo and a run of 42.2 kilometres of dirt trail and rubble road following the Ibánez River through forest, next to beautiful lakes and waterfalls all the way to the General Carrera Lake.
Using Qilta as part of his kit, Barry used 2 sets of Qilta the preceding 2 days before the event in preparation and 1 set for recovery.
Here is Barry's Testimonial of his experience of Qilta.
" I have used Qilta for both Swedeman and Patagonman for recovery and I can say in both races afterwards, my legs were good within days which compared to the previous 7 Xtri style races I’ve done and is a major improvement in my recovery. I can put some of that down to fitness and race/post-race nutrition, but I would definitely try Qilta at my next set of races this year. If you’re doing fairly back to back brutal races recovering is everything, not least overall wellness.
Qilta feels therapeutic and that in itself must be part of any efficacy."
.....and a pic of Barry at Swedman Extreme Triathlon sporting Qilta Socks and Sleeves especially made for this swedish event